In mid-February, a unique streaming broadcast combining the business of several companies was screened in Flamingo, Vantaa. And it wasn’t just ordinary streaming but instead a spectacular show ensemble with music and various interviews.
‘Best of all, this hour-long streaming generated a record number of leads and even direct sales for the companies involved,’ says Petri Ahonen of UNIQ – Entertainment.
The streaming was broadcast from the full-size TV studio set up in the premises of Break Sokos Hotel Flamingo. There were also musical performances streamed from the Finnkino Flamingo cinema theatre. The hotels of the S Group participated in the streaming event as the third cooperation partner.
‘Every participant was extremely satisfied with the implementation of the streaming event and its results. The hotels attracted new accommodation and conference bookings and Finnkino new orders for the use of their large cinema venue,’ says Samuli Järvinen of UNIQ – Entertainment.
The broadcast also produced great customer feedback:
‘An awesome combo of things and entertainment, good ensemble,’ – Tehy Ry; ‘The event was very good, compact and entertaining,’ – Telia Company; ‘An interesting and fun event!’ – Kiilto Oy; ‘Perfectly executed as a whole from advance communication all the way to the end!’ – KPMG Oy.
We would be happy to offer you our assistance in putting on a great show for your company and charm your customers, whether it is a marketing occasion, a seminar, a meeting, a corporate party or any larger or smaller event. The UNIQ studio at Flamingo makes it easy to broadcast streams and, in cooperation with Finnkino, larger productions as well.